WEADFAX SeMi AuToMaTiC FoLdInG 9L SmAlL MiNi WaShInG MaChInE WiTh DrYeR DeEp CLeAnInG FoR UnDeRwEaR WaShINg MaChInE – Offer World
₹ 22,900.00 ₹ 11,990.00
Price: ₹22,900 - ₹11,990
(as of Oct 09, 2024 01:37:14 UTC – Details)
Product Description
DAYDREAM. Present:-
High Quality
TRP particles, food grade material, With the material of edible silicon, the washer is specially suitable for washing baby cloth.
It can be folded by light pressure,the height after folding is about 4 inches, which does not take up space and is convenient to carry.
Smart Touch
One touching button to control. Turn on the washing machine by touching the button for two seconds. It is a touching button, not pressing button.
Activity Handle
Take it wherever you go, fold easily with one touch, mobile portable, very convenient for storage. Best choice for business travel.
It takes only about 10 mins to wash the item, which can save time and electricity for you. Automatic shutdown protection scheme, no worry about forgetting to unplug the power supply.
Multi-Scene Use
The foldable washing machine is convenient to use, easy to clean, and can be used in student dormitory, single-apartments,business trip and hotel.
Our Speciality:-
Foldable For Easy Storage
This portable washing machine is small and lightweight, and it can be folded to occupy no space at all when you don’t use it. By the way, it’s compact and easy to storage.
Low Noise
It doesn’t have a very loud noise. What’s more, the spin basket can only hold a few items at a time. Larger washing capacity reaches 2kg, power 135watts.
Save Water & Electricity
Portable Washing Machine, Mini Folding Washer and Dryer Combo,with Small Foldable Drain Basket for Underwear, Socks, Baby Clothes, Travel, Camping, RV, Dorm, Apartment
High Speed Drying Spin System
In Dryer feature, clothes spin at very high RPM, which helps to remove moisture from the clothes ensuring your clothes are dried faster.
Product Dimensions : 15 x 12 x 10 cm; 500 g
Date First Available : 8 August 2024
Manufacturer : WEADFAX PVT LTD
Item part number : WM_1
Manufacturer : WEADFAX PVT LTD
Packer : DAYDREAM Care Center
Item Weight : 500 g
Item Dimensions LxWxH : 15 x 12 x 10 Centimeters
Net Quantity : 1 count
Generic Name : Semi Automatic Washer
1-FoLdAbLe DeSiGn:-FoLdEd SiZe 12.6 x 12.3 x 12.3in, SmAlL LiGhT, EaSy To CaRrY AnD StOrE. CaN Be EaSiLy PuT SuItCaSe oR BaCkPaCk, AnD It CaN Be EaSiLy WaShEd WhIlE TrAvElInG.
2-NeWeSt DeSiN:-NeW OnE PiEcE RuBbEr MoLdInG, EaSy LeAk.
3-EaSy To UseE:-OneE BuTtOn CoNtRoL ThE WaShInG MaChInE, EaSy To UsE, ToUcH ThE BuTtOn TwO SeCoNdS To StArT ThE WaShInG MaChInE.It CaN AlSo Be UsEd To ClEaN FrUiT.ThE SmArT ToUcH ScReEn DeSiGn AlLoWs YoU To FrEeLy ChOoSe ThE TiMe YoU WaNt, AnD ThE OpErAtIoN Is SiMpLe AnD CoNvEnIeNt FoR ThE ElDerLy AnD ChIlDrEn
4-PoRtAbLe UlTrAsOnIc WaShInG MaChInE:-UlTrAsOnIc FoRwArD ReVeRsE PuLsAtO, BiOnIc HaNd WaShInG, No DaMaGe To ClOtHeS, TwO WaY PoWeR To EaSiLy ReMoVe StAiNs, SuItAbLe FoR BaBy ClOtHeS AnD UnDeRwEaR.
5-WiDeLy UsE:-ThIs MiNi WaShInG MaChInE MaDe Of EnViRoNmEnTaLlY FrIeNdLy AbS AnD TpR MaTeRiAlS.CaN CaRrY 11l WaTeR ClOtHiNg WeIgHt.EfFeCtIvElY ReMoVe DiRt,AnD MaKe YoUr ClOtHeS ClEaN.ThE WaShInG MaChInE Is EsPeCiAlLy GoOd FoR WaShInG BaBy ClOtHeS, UnDeRwEaR, ToWeLs, SoCkS, ToYs Or OtHeR SmAlL ItEmS.
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₹ 22,900.00 ₹ 11,990.00
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