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GN Enterpise Portable-Air-Conditioner-Fan-Mini-Evaporative-Air-Cooler-with-7-Colors-LED-Light-1/2/3-H-Timer-3-Wind-Speeds-and-3-Spray-Modes-for-Office-Home-Dorm-Travel – Offer World

1,999.00 954.00

Price: ₹1,999 - ₹954.00
(as of Jun 14, 2024 02:34:57 UTC – Details)

Product Description

Product Description

portable Air conditioner portable Air conditioner

The portable mini air cooler 4 in 1 is a versatile cooling device

Cooling: The primary function of the mini air cooler is to cool the air in its immediate vicinity. It utilizes a combination of water evaporation and a built-in fan to produce a stream of cool air. This cooling mechanism is effective for small to medium-sized areas

Air Purifier: Many mini air coolers come equipped with filters that help purify the air by capturing dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. This feature contributes to creating a cleaner and healthier indoor environment by reducing allergens and pollutants

Aromatherapy: Some models of portable mini air coolers feature an aromatherapy function, allowing you to add essential oils or fragrances to the water tank. As the cooler operates, it releases a gentle, fragrant mist into the air, enhancing the ambiance and promoting relaxation or invigoration, depending on the chosen scent.

Water tank Design

water tank Design water tank Design


The water tank’s capacity can vary depending on the specific model and brand of the mini air cooler. It typically ranges from around 0.5 to 2 liters. A larger capacity allows for longer operation without the need for frequent refills, but it also increases the overall size and weight of the device

The water tank may have a designated filling port or opening through which water can be poured directly into the tank. This opening is typically large enough to accommodate a standard water bottle or pitcher for easy refilling

Easy To Use

Easy to Clean Easy to Clean

Non-Absorbent Materials

The materials used in the construction of the mini air cooler should be non-absorbent and resistant to mold and mildew growth. BPA-free plastics or other antimicrobial materials are ideal for preventing bacterial growth and maintaining cleanliness

Clear and concise cleaning instructions should be provided in the user manual or product documentation. These instructions should outline the recommended cleaning frequency and procedures for each component of the mini air cooler.

Minimizing the need for specialized tools or equipment for cleaning and maintenance makes the process more accessible to users. Components that can be easily removed and reattached without the use of tools are preferred.

Mini AC Cooler Smart Features

3 Fan Speed 3 Fan Speed

5 Sprays features 5 Sprays features

7 Colour LED7 Colour LED


3 Speed Features

Low Speed: The low-speed setting provides a gentle airflow, suitable for mild cooling and quiet operation.

Medium Speed: The medium-speed setting offers a moderate airflow, providing a balance between cooling effectiveness and noise level

High Speed: The high-speed setting delivers a powerful airflow, providing maximum cooling effectiveness for rapid temperature reduction

5 Spray Features

Continuous Spray: This mode involves a steady and uninterrupted release of mist into the air. It provides consistent

Intermittent Spray: In this mode, the mist is released in intervals, with periods of misting followed by brief pauses.

High Spray: The high spray feature increases the intensity or volume of mist released into the air, resulting in a more powerful cooling effect

7 LED light

Ambient Lighting: The LED lights can provide soft ambient illumination, creating a relaxing and inviting atmosphere in the room

Color Options: The LED lights often come with multiple color options, allowing users to choose from a variety of hues to suit their preferences or mood. Common colors include white, blue, green, red, purple, yellow, and cyan

Ice Compartment:

Many mini air coolers come with a dedicated compartment or tray where users can place ice cubes or ice packs. When the cooler operates, air passes over the ice, causing it to cool down before being released into the room. This provides a more powerful and immediate cooling effect, especially in hot climates or during peak summer temperatures

[EaSy To UsE] :It CaN SpRaY CoLd AiR FoR SeVeRaL HoUrS CoNtInUoUsLy To KeEp YoUr BoDy CoOl At NiGhT AnD MaKe YoU SlEeP WeLl. ThE LiGhTwEiGhT FaN AnD SoOtHiNg NiGhT LiGhT MaKe It IdEal FoR A CoMfOrTaBlE SlEeP AlL NiGhT.
[EnViRoNmEnTaL PrOtEcTiOn]:CoMpArEd WiTh TrAdItIoNaL FrEoN AiR CoNdItIoNeRs, It CaN SaVe At LeAsT 90% Of ElEcTrIcItY In SuMmEr. ThE AiR CoNdItIoNeR Is FiLlEd WiTh WaTeR AnD DoEs NoT CoNtAiN AnY HaRmFuL ChEmIcAlS. In SuMmEr, It Is An IdAaL GiFt FoR YoU, YoUr FaMily AnD FrIeNdS.
[ThE MoIsT AiR Is FrRgRaNt] :ThE PoRtAbLe AiR-CoNdItIoNeR CaN SoLvE ThE ShOrTcOmInGs Of ThEsE TwO PrOdUcTs, ThRoUgH ThE EvApOrAtIoN Of NaTuRaL WaTeR AnD CoOlInG AiR . NeVeR DrY , LoW PoWeR CoNsUmPtIoN.
[3 SpEeD WiNd SpEeD MoDe]: ThIs MoBiLe AiR CoNdItIoNeR HaS ThReE LeVeLs Of WiNd SpEeD (HiGh, MeDiUm, LoW), YoU CaN ChOoSe ThE LeIsUrR TiMe, SlEeP TiMe Or WoRkInG TiMe ThAt SuItS YoU BeSt. ThE BuIlT-In CoLoRful AnD SoFt LeD LiGhTs CaN NoT OnLy CrEaTe A RoMaNtIc AtMoSpHeRe, BuT AlSo HeLp YoU ImPrOvE YoUr SlEeP.
[HaVe MoRe ChOiCeS]:ThReE PoWeR SuPpLy MeThOdS, YoU CaN UsE ThE UsB PoRt Of MoBiLe DeViCeS SuCh As LaPtOpS FoR PoWeR SuPpLy.

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GN Enterpise Portable-Air-Conditioner-Fan-Mini-Evaporative-Air-Cooler-with-7-Colors-LED-Light-1/2/3-H-Timer-3-Wind-Speeds-and-3-Spray-Modes-for-Office-Home-Dorm-Travel – Offer World
GN Enterpise Portable-Air-Conditioner-Fan-Mini-Evaporative-Air-Cooler-with-7-Colors-LED-Light-1/2/3-H-Timer-3-Wind-Speeds-and-3-Spray-Modes-for-Office-Home-Dorm-Travel – Offer World

1,999.00 954.00

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